Cook With Comali TV Show is a Tamil TV Serial on Star Vijay TV Tamil channel. This TV Show contestant’s names are Bigg Boss Tamil 3 fame actress Vanitha Vijayakumar, Actress Rekha, Ramya Pandiyan, Gnanasambandam, Mohan Vaidhya, Uma Riaz, Bigg Boss Tamil 2 fame Dhadi Balaji and Priyanka Robo Shankar.Bijli Ramesh, Manimegalai, Tiger Thangadurai, Pappu, Sakthi, Pugazh, Shivangi, and Bala will be the cooking partners. Cook With Comali is a new tv show which is to be telecasted on Star Vijay TV. It is considered as India’s biggest tv show ever.Cook With Comali TV Show Story/Plot
Cook With Comali is a new cooking reality TV show that will be disclosed on Star Vijay TV. The promo shows a few on-screen characters and Kalakka Povathu Yaaru contenders are cooking with entertaining moments.